🅒 🅟 Marabouts Ceuta (Spain) 1998-2000 🅘 🅟🅡🅘🅩🅔 Partner: José Luis Pérez Marín, architect Collaborator: José Luis Gómez Barceló, historian

With different origins, the three marabouts of the city are  peregrination places. To recover them and to equip them with the minimum services, we have added a few elements. The works were carried out without the participation of the architects, taking place significant changes. Besides, it has been a pity to have not taken advantage of the works to study Sidi Bel Abbes from an archeological point of view. Historical report by José Luis Gómez Barceló.


Avec des origines diverses, les trois marabouts de la ville constituent des lieux de pérégrination. La nécessité de les restaurer et de les doter des services minimaux, ont été les objectifs du concours. Les oeuvres ont été menées à bien sans la participation des rédacteurs du projet, en produisant changements significatifs. Par ailleurs il a été dommage de ne pas avoir profité des travaux pour étudier Sidi Bel Abbes dès un point de vue archéologique. Mémoire historique de José Luis Gómez Barceló.


Con orígenes diversos, los tres morabos de la Ciudad constituyen lugares de peregrinación. La necesidad de restaurarlos y dotarlos de los servicios mínimos, fueron los objetivos del concurso. Las obras se llevaron a cabo sin la participación de los redactores del proyecto, produciéndose cambios significativos. Por otra parte ha sido una pena no haber aprovechado las obras para haber estudiado Sidi Bel Abbes desde un punto de vista arqueológico. Memoria histórica de José Luis Gómez Barceló.


Sidi Bel Abbes



In 2018 this is the state of the building. You can appreciate how changes the fact that they didn’t respect the level proposed to the new building, in order to be better integrated with the marabout.


In 1998 I was not really aware of the importance Sidi Bel Abbes had in Marrakesh, in the past, becoming one of the seven saints of the city, but the importance he has even nowadays. These are some pictures of the complex built around de zawiya in Marrakesh.



Sidi Embarek




Sidi Ibrahim
